30+ Exceptional GIMP Tutorials and Resources

GIMP is a freely distributed GNU Image Manipulation Program. Available for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It’s always fun to experiment different techniques and learn how to work with various aspects of GIMP to spice up boring pictures and make them into works of arts and masterpieces.
So, if you’re interested in learning some new skills, whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced user, these GIMP tutorials are for you.
Below you will find an incredible amount some of the best GIMP tutorials hand picked to enhance or highlight whatever action is going on in the photo.

1. Different Gimp Tutorials

1. Neon Lights Tutorial

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This tutorial illustrates how to implement a nice animated menu using Mootoolsand some lines of CSS and HTML code ready to reuse in your project. Tip: to get more of a glow, you can duplicate some of the blurred line layers.

2. Recoloring Eyes

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This tutorial will teach you a quick and simple way to recolor eyes. You can color anything using this tutorial.

3. Lineart Tutorial

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This is specially for anime/cartoon style lineart.

4. Easy Sig

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A fairly easy tutorial to follow to make a sig. You must know the bare basics of GIMP and brushes/filters is all.

5. A colored swirl of light

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Here is a great effect, usable for all kind of graphics such as flyers, splash-screens, wallpapers etc. Here you will learn how to create a colored light swirl.

6. Create a nice oilpainting from a photo

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Learn how to create a fantastic looking oilpainting from a photo.

7. Making a pencil drawing from a photo

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In this tutorial you will learn how to convert almost any image into a good-looking pencil drawing, and yon even won’t need edge detection filters. All you need are a few different layer modes.

8. Gimp Sin City Tutorial

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This tutorial has been converted from the original Photoshop tutorial into Gimp. Learn how to create this dramatic effect in Gimp.

9. Flame Abstract Tutorial

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In this tutorial we will learn how to use the flame filter to make a simple abstract background.

10. How to create Lightsaber effects

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Who doesn’t want to create lightsaber effects. In this tutorial you will learn how.

11. Authentic Vintage Effect

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Learn how to create beautiful effect for giving your photos an old vintage feel.

12. Grunge brush pack + tutorial

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A whole Gimp grunge back along with a tutorial on how to create your own brush set.

13. Resizing fade effect

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This tutorial is about that fade effect, at first glance it’s just a blur effect. This effect works best with pictures of definite figures, such as logos, people, and solid objects.

14. How to make a pile of worms in Gimp

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This is how to make something that looks like the image above.

15. Abstract Art

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Learn how to create an abstract background easily with Gimp.

2. GIMP Basics

16. GIMP tutorial Basics

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This tutorial will teach you some basic tips for working with Gimp: shadowing, coloring, lighting, using the brush and pencil tools.

17. Layers + Inking

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This is a tutorial about using Ink and layers in Gimp.

18. Using the Scissor Tool

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The scissor tool (selects shapes from images) can be a confusing tool at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s great for extracting objects from your photos.

19. Using and Manipulating Layers with Gimp

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This tutorial will show you how to use and manipulate layers in Gimp. Using layers is essential for making skins, and learning to use them to your advantage will help you produce good results.

3. Photo Manipulation

20. Vintage Look

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A tutorial for creating a vintage look in Gimp.

21. GIMP Photomanip Tutorial

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A basic tutorial for photomanipulation. You will learn how to tone the brightness, add swirls, grungy effect to the photo.

22. GIMP Photo-manip Tutorial

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Learn how to make your photographs look like they came straight out of Hollywood by following a couple of simple steps!

23. How to do skin care with Gimp

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Gimp can help you to remove wrinkle, acne scars, red rash, blemish, pimple and other annoying skin problem on face in a photo portrait.This is a guide, manual and help for how to retouch skin with Gimp.

24. Selective Colorization

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How to convert a color photograph to a B&W one with color restored to selective areas.

4. Gimp Text Effects

125. Transparent Glass Lettering

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Learn how to make a stunning glass text effect. Adapted from a Photoshop tutorial

26. Smelting text / Creating blood text

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How you can liquify / smelt text or other graphical objects by creating a blood text.

27. Cool Glow Effect

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How you can a nice glow effect for any text yoiu want.

28. Glossy Web Logo

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In this tutorial we will learn how to create a cool glossy website logo.

29. Colourful glowing text effect

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In this tutorial we will learn how to create a colourful text effect using the gradient blend and blur effects.

30 Fitting Text to Uneven Surfaces

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In this tutorial we will learn how to FittText to Uneven Surfaces with GIMP’s Displace Tool.
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