Now a days, background patterns are not only used to design websites but you can also use patterns creatively in Posters, print ads, billboards and much more. Good use of patterns make any design memorable and lively. Patterns can be used in any format- .jpg, .gif, .png or .bmp but for website designing you have to use CSS background property to integrate the image.
Till now, you surely come to know that how background patterns are changing the era of design. But, finding attractive and high-quality background patterns is a bit of difficult task. To make your searching a little bit easier, I am compiling here a list of best website to download free background patterns.
So, have a look on compilation of 15 best sites to download high-quality free background patterns. Hope you like the post useful and don’t forget to share your best websites to download free background patterns.
1) Pattern8
2) Pixel Decore
3) Ava7
4) Patterrific
5) Patterns Of change
6) Portfelia
7) Pattern Head
8 ) Fractured
9) K10K
10) Patterncooler
11) Shizoo-design
12) Hybrid-genesis
13) BgPatterns
14) Dromoscopio
15) Everydayicons
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